Yesterday finally it was kite wind. I think my speculations about Tobi not having good connections and stuff was totally wrong. He got it totally right. Or something like that. It was good wind. We got a bit exhausted in fact by the time we cycled out to the beach. It was very windy. Very very. I think wind wanted to impress us a lot that day, so much that the little kites have failed to fly altogether. I got out the diamond one which has an area of about an A4 paper plus the tale but it couldn’t make it in the air. Quickly it had asked back in the bag. We let it.
It was time for the stunt kite which is unfortunately too advanced for Lili just yet but we had a good time anyway. Taking turns with Jen the conversation was a lot like
‘Ok, my turn’ or ‘can I have a shot now?’
With the response
‘yeah’ - without following action of handing the stuff over or ‘just a minute’
The kite had the time of its life I think. So far. It was screaming in joy especially when pulled into twists, sharp turns and fast glides across the sky. Screaming such things as ‘Yeaaaah’ and ‘Yahoooo’ and ‘I’m alive!’ It was great to watch.
Wind after some time instead of its usual dropping dead and playing silly games wanted to impress even further and put on some additional weight. We started to feel that we may loose some skin to sand scratches and Stunt Kite also changed its scream to such as ‘Aaaaaagh’ and ‘boohoo’ and ‘heeeeelp and finally ‘Get me dooown!!!’ which I eventually did with a badly aimed twist and he came down like lightning digging a 16 feet crater on impact (do you believe? I don’t make up stories). Tobi had a good laugh at him and took off to show off and impress SK while we started packing up calling a complete but still somewhat orderly retreat.
We picked Tobi up several hundred yards inland. He asked me if he could ride on my bike on the way home due to sore parts like wings and stuff. Him asking rather than just jumping on as usual was showing that he felt seriously in need for transportation and not usual laziness.
This fun was followed a mostly eventless day with exhaustions of all kinds, getting a couple of nice bookshelves, cooking Lili her dream dinner, Tuna pasta (she asked for it) and work tile this night.
Putting Lili to bed tonight we were chatting, talking about dreams and favourite dreams and other things. Tobi was getting to sleep underneath the bed. Lili asked me why Tobi goes to work with me all the time. Why does he not stay at home sometimes? I guess it is because he is my supposedly imaginary friend, mostly. When we asked him he said tomorrow he will hang out with Lili no problem.
Next Lili asked where was Tobi last winter, before he came to be here with us. Some interesting question. We couldn’t get an answer for that. He was snoring already. Maybe we find out tomorrow.
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