Tuesday, 2 September 2008

The Gospel of Tobi

The other day I have heard a story from Tobi. I do occasionally and he claims that the words that leave his lips are always the truth so I would believe him.

Some days back we were watching wild goose flying in formation, we have some spare time then and now. He flew up to have a quick chat which he has managed to draw into a lengthy conversation after overcoming the initial panic of course. Not his panic you can imagine. Up north there is a particularly interesting tribe, of wild goose, which has managed fairly well this summer. They have certainly over produced their quota for raising the kids and for growing fat for the journey back home (for if you remember, migratory birds don’t live in Europe. They only come here to work and their permanent addresses are in the warmer, nicer place).

So they have decided to eat less, and sell of the now increased surplus on the open market. You may have read about the appearance of Goose in northern Finland. There are some rumours that one of their companies has done so well that now they have decided to bring some 35% of the company on the stock market in Helsinki. They have been encouraged, due to the great success; they are expected to bring trading to London even. I am thinking myself to get some of their stocks, might be a good investment. Or might just be a hot air balloon ready to burst at the first sign of trouble. But I am getting off my story here because here is the reason why they have decided to do this, I mean going on the market. Now that great flock can charter a plane or two to take them to North Africa. They won’t have to bother winging it for that 4 thousand km. They save time and energy not to mention that they will be able to catch up with East Enders sooner. I think they got some brain.

Of course it could be just an urban, hm, Lapland legend. But Tobi was convinced and he retelling the story convinced us. And anyway, his words are the words of gospel. Some of you might be reassured by that and of course some others will take the hint.

On Saturday night we were out on a birthday party. Our host has a wicked sense of humour at times similarly to me. At some point in the evening he had us listen to some Soviet music and when finally the old anthem came up I stopped mid sentence, kicked my chair back and stood up saluting the music. It was fantastic to see the faces of my company. For a split second none was sure if I was serious. I peaked over my shoulder curious to see Tobi’s reaction to that but I could only see it indirectly, as he fell off from the banister on the balcony to the depth beneath from the 4th floor. Could he not fly he would have had me worried. We concluded it was a nice evening even if we foreigners have this fantastic habit of moaning and whinging on our miserable lives here in Oulu. Even after kindly reminding ourselves that after a holiday it is fantastic to come home at last. There is something irresistible about northern Finland.

It seems that Tobi and Bla have made quite a friendship with Sagy and I feel that I am the one now appearing mean and things like that. This morning Lili saw them flying of to meet some ‘friends’ as they have mysteriously put it. I guess they are kinda grown up so we can have them to be on this.

Jen told me that penicillin was invented by a Scotsman. Although I don’t doubt it the name itself is a bit dubious. It was invented by a Doctor Cillin who named this marvellous wonder after his wife whose nickname was Peni. Peni Cillin. I love this Story. To compare it to one, Vitamin C was found by a Hungarian doctor who has named it after his favourite dog, Vitamin and his usual sitting area in the stadium watching his team play, C. Sometimes the truth can be far more revealing than we can imagine. While writing this Tobi is gently chewing on my wrist. He seems to think I am full of it.

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