Saturday, 19 April 2008

Road War, 'työkaveri' & persons that are not alive: Corporations

Yesterday on the way home from work Tobi and I were engaged in deep conversation talking about our newest favourite topic which is my attempt of shredding to bits the fabric of society in order to recreate something that is more just and fair, without of course going through a Robespierre phase, and is also free from corporations (will get to co later in more detail).

We have seen other people following my example using their head rather than the rule that is imposed upon when crossing the road. He brought up a quite clear example for the possibility that this movement will just become another rule rather than a process of thought: we had to cross the road to get coffee, looked around, cars were far away and we had plenty of time to reach the other side. A girl on the other side some seconds later has not bothered looking around and walked across the road. She nearly got run over. There was noise and screech end everything. She didn’t seem to be bothered at al. I almost started to give ground to Tobi’s argument - something that happens rarely - when while walking on a pedestrian crossing we nearly got run down. It was a brand new and shiny four by four. I could say that my life has flashed in front of my eyes but the truth is that it was sightings of 4x4 vehicles in Oulu in recent times. The driver has not given the slightest consideration to our existence or seemingly the possible end to them by his lack of concern.

The SUVs that has no other purpose than being expensive and fancy have finally arrived here and… the attitude came with them. It used to be that when a pedestrian looks at the road drivers ready themselves to stop instantly, get out of the care and run away. But things are changing! They are getting bigger cars and they becoming to believe that anyone who is not in a car at least, is not a human being but a thing to be squashed.

The ROAD WAR is on! And Tobi is on our side!
(which may not be a very constructively useful thing but sounds reassuring when first read)

Today I worked with a guy how now is called ‘Ali the Scarce’. For the 4th attempt to phone him about getting his butt to work he finally managed to answer his phone and got to work an hour and a half late. I had to keep him at eye-sight all day making sure that he actually did work. Some weeks back I worked with him and he managed to find some nice places to sit down in middle of tasks taking good rests while I was working my socks of for he has showed up 3 hours late. You could say today was an improvement. When showing up to work this morning he asked me ‘How are you?’ and seemed to be surprised when I said ‘Pissed off’. After that I was fairly rude and bossy for the rest of the day to a degree that Tobi decided to try and teach me spit or breath (out) fire after every time I say something to the guy. It didn’t work and after hours of trying the thought that maybe it has something to do with the way my body is built started downing on him. Tobi realised that I am not a fire breathing dragon which would be essential for the ability to breath fire… would you have thought so?


I came across an interesting movie last night. Hence no blog.
It is called THE CORPORATION. It’s Canadian made and… even if not shocking at least fairly interesting. I like the phrase ‘Which Corporation are you from?’
Here is a link
One of my favourite bits were
Details in the movie

Moses, Molly and Lili are considering of starting a biker gang. I will update on that more tomorrow.

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