Saturday, 3 May 2008

Continue from Yesterday and Tobi's confession

Mentioned yesterday that the Wreith Queen was too terrifying to watch Atlantis any longer. We stopped and started to talk about what was going on… Lili didn’t like what was happening on the screen. Wreith eat people, well not literally but they eat the life force out of anyone they touch. And this particular one was creeping around on the dark corridors…

I explained to my unsettled four year old daughter that what we watch on TV is pretend only. Just the same when on her birthday party one of her friends was running around screaming like a deadly monster and the rest of them running away, hiding in the wardrobe screaming themselves to complete panic! Very much similar to the Wreith queen and the SG team. Just a pretend, the villain in fact is a woman who had to sit in a chair for hours to get her makeup on. And she gets paid for pretending! After work she washes it off then goes home to her family.

Lili helped me imagine her family; she picks up her kids on the way home, one of them from the day care and the other one from school. I insisted she would cook a meal but Lili thought she would be too tired so she would just take out a couple of pizzas from the freezer and maybe make a salad while waiting on them.

It was fantastic… we deconstructed an image completely in a matter of minutes and recreated a scene that resembles reality. TV become a game of pretend, we exposed it to what it truly is and Lili gave me a hand, she in fact seemed to integrate the idea with ease.
I am jealous of actors now. They get paid for doing stuff we do at home for fun, what children do almost all the time. And they even get to put makeup on and fancy costumes and expensive settings…

Tobi on this one seems to agree with me. It is good to be frank about the world he says… He thinks I am cool to explain to my daughter that stories are just stories and we should always take them with a pinch of salt (not literally talking)

I am sitting in my study, window open, blinds shut, I am barefeet and roasting! We skipped lengthy and lovely spring. We seem to have summer now. The trees desperately trying to catch up with the sudden change of weather competing who can burst some leaves first! There will be a parade organised for the winner although I really wonder how will they manage that.

There was also an American car show at Oulunhalli today. I think after recent events, such us May day and Tobi’s song about the Middle Class which mentions something about motorization (possible with a negative overtone), it is nicely fitting to have had this show in town.

On my way home from work I have seen some of the cars. There was a 2 seater monstroum possibly larger than an airliner, trying to turn a sharp corner, taking its time. It was a pretty car, I wonder if Finland soon will invade Russia in order to capture Siberian oil fields, wanting to keep open the flow of petrol for such cars.

Tobi would like to let everyone know that finally he came to his senses and understands why I have been mad at him for flying on an airplane while he’s got wings. We had some good talking time the last couple of days at work. It seems the warm weather and the sunshine knocks some sense into his head. Lets hope it will keep up!

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