Friday, 16 May 2008

lost fire and shifting interests

The gracious video game that has been released in 1994 it seems still had a hold on me for I Had to keep on with it till at last it was all done. A terrible anticlimax that has made all the hours of play utterly meaningless and wasted away. My attention shifted to a new focus which to some I imagine can be just as much a waste of time: philosophy and social theories.

For a quick warm up I have started to read or re-read the ‘A short introduction to Rousseau’ before moving on to my current interest who would be Jean-Paul Sartre and maybe his most defining book ‘The Imaginary’. Tobi for once is sharing my interest, somehow, and he even decided to provide me with entertainment and learning while I am wiping the floors and vomits. He started reading a book for me and I surely thought that this was really, really nice of him but… In English his reading skills are fairly poor. He could handle a first grade reading book and this it how far it goes. So listening to him for nearly and hour, polity and enduring the pain I eventually had to put this enterprise to a stop. He wasn’t offended fortunately, after the first 2 minutes in fact he was only carrying on to be polite but it was just as painful and exhausting for him to read as for me to listen. We had a good laugh at our politely stupid manners.

Exhausted and slightly cold, probably more to do with psychology of the changing wind outside – north wind cutting into the flesh, west wind freezing one to the bones in a cold and humid manner – we cozied up in my lunch break and I begun to read. Still cold, freezing even Tobi decided to spit a coupe of fire balls that would dance around the room the keep us warm he came to discover a terrible truth.

He has lost his fire!

Panic... panic there was!

Finally, when he calmed down he recalled that he must have lost his fire when in Hungary last time and without another minute wasted he set out flying like, I am lost for words

Flying like a dragon!

He came home rather late and exhausted but successful indeed. Although he has not managed to find His fire, it may be gone forever but luckily in Hungary there is a special place. For dragons there is a pit, a giant whole in the ground that holds nothing but dragon fire. There is a spoon next to it and unfortunate dragons who were careless enough to loose their fire can come to this shrine of carelessness and with the spoon get a new one. This is what he has done and after the long and fast journeys of the day, the excitement and the demanding exercise of reading advanced English he is certainly a passed out dragon.

Even Lili and I got exhausted in this day. After dinner, waiting for Tobi to get home we set down on the sofa to digest comfortable and top up with some Percy pigs but we were asleep within about 2 minutes. I awoke to the sound of a bang on the window which turned out to be a rather very tired dragon whom I had to pick up from beneath the window and carry to his bed. Well, he demanded in a whispering to be paced on the top of the fridge. It was a good idea. In his dream he throws out a bit of fire every so often. Tiny bubbles and cubes (don’t ask).

He didn’t manage to bring ‘proper’ leaves for the trees, instead of this early and tiny ones we still have as he promised before he set out earlier today.

All is well.

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