Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Stock Market Mood

Some change in routines has forced us back on the bike. It would take twice as long to travel by bus and it is a price neither Tobi or I is willing to pay. Of course, he could just sleep in and show up at work whenever but he has a sense of solidarity it seems an appreciated one. I think finding out that I carry spare hat, scarf and cat shaped chocolate biscuits for him in my bag has grown me into a respected buddy in his eyes. And he thinks the new job is totally fun, people around and stuff in a bright and tidy office block but I’m sure it will wear off. It has for me after the two days. Once I can quit working with this company I will never walk another step in my life which will be fun to watch I’m sure.

I stole a pulla today.

There it is, I said it. If there any of you out there Anarcho-Capitalist I’m sure you will understand. Especially if I bothered to elaborate but let us just go with Proudhon and save us from lengthy explanations: ‘Property is theft’
Owning the pulla, for the short time before it disappeared into the depths of stomachs we were thieves thieving from thieves. Things run in the family I guess.

Yeah, I was gonna write about Stock Markets here…
South Wind has run out of breath… Tobi is excited… I seem to lost the will to write on… Tobi is excited and is demanding me to write… I sit… he bites I’m gonna keep writing so south wind has run out of breath and that means only one thing in conclusion.
There are no more clouds coming this way, they don’t ride on relatively warm air and they don’t shelter us preventing the little heat left in the ground from escaping towards the stars or the bright blue sky. The sun is weak and doesn’t seem to have the will to climb anywhere high anymore, especially not in the sky. Maybe, after an ever shortening day at work when getting comfy at home he climbs the ladder loosing balance a bit to get some jam off the top shelf for the toast he is gonna enjoy while watching Cori, Prison Break or the like. Provided his English is good enough to understand such shows and he has a TV.
As I said, south wind running out of breath means only one thing and that is Winter, Winter coming. I could smell her for days while South Wind slowly died down. I can smell her tonight when I stand on the balcony shivering cold staring into to the darkness of the long night broken only by a whole bunch of street lamps, window lights, the light pollution from the city and my bright ideas.

Tobi is excited. It’s coming at last. This time last year he has bee asleep for weeks already.
On the way home because we cycle through woods now instead of Tuira we stopped to sit on a bench for a cup of herb tea and an afternoon snack. It was cold and the sun coming from behind played wonderful games on the trees and their bare branches in between shadows. I thought I saw fairies playing in a distance and voicing my suspicion ignited us into a bit of fairy chase. Hunt.

We came out empty handed and without any trouble, no trick and such so we came to the conclusion they must have beggared off to some warmer place for the winter. Or they just hid from us to avoid having to talk with a dragon wearing hat and scarf stuffing himself with cat shaped choc biscuits. Or they weren’t around at all and I was just too tired and was seeing things. After all, when getting home I managed to read a whole article in the papers without having the faintest idea of what I have read for sleeping through the reading.
It’s time for bed.

I guess what I’m trying to say that I really got used to South Wind and all the troublesome goodies he brought, the rain especially. It was beginning to feel homely and now…
My mood is crashed, for the time being, till

Monday, 27 October 2008

A fantastic rainy day

We just had dinner, a bit late and a bit too tasty for the hunger it was meant to treat… I can cook good curry! I feel heave and disoriented but somehow good. It takes an enormous effort to move my fingers around the keyboard and type. I would be willing to give up so much that I already had pleasant arguments in my head convincing me how it would be so much more suitable in my situation to cosy up on the sofa and quietly pass out but I was forgetting something, someone here. I could handle Lili eager to make conversation inventing the world all over again a way only a child is capable doing so. I could handle Jen eager to share her day’s experience at school ignoring her nodding occasionally and saying such things as ‘hm’ and ‘uhm’ and ‘yes’ or ‘what?!’ Like making one cup of coffee takes 140 litres of water. All this I could ignore BUT Tobi!

He wants to share his day. I guess so do I.
But you are getting hung up on the 140 litres of water going into a cup of coffee aren’t you? Google it later but now read on.

As of yesterday I stopped working in that windowless pit I spent much of my waking hours last year. I still had the keys and that just made it too good to be true. Today, no other job to got to - yet, Tobi and I for the second time managed to get rid of the keys, still burning my pockets in the morning. It was hard to get hold of my boss but it was fantastic to be free. It turned into a wonderful day with spare time to kill downtown Oulu rain pouring cats and dogs. It was wonderful!

We managed to get some shopping done and emptied the library from folk music. Tobi has an influence on me regarding music. Or I just give in. Donno’. On the way, after passing the spot several times during the morning I finally noticed a small wooden bridge out to a pikku-pikku saari (tiny tiny island). An old garage sized boathouse, some boats, a fireplace with log benches around it just next to the river slightly sheltered with hanging birch. I had tea in a thermos and we set down stuffing ourselves with bananas sipping warmish herb tea. Somehow we came to have a shouting match with the seagull sitting on the blue boat casually picking his feathers and spitting tobacco into the water. The boat was a good ten meters out on water. I think the argument erupted from frustration with election results on the account of both parties: Tobi and I vs. Seagull and tiny biting parasites. (Do seagulls keep such things?! You can catch me here and there) Although we never talked about the election, it’s just a shamanic intuition.

We were gonna have a fight but the bird wasn’t going to come ashore for us and kept yelling ‘wanna piece of me?! Come and get it!’ We weren’t gonna swim out so the whole conflict was just a bit boresome. It hasn’t occur to the 2 of us that we could have gotten on a boat or…

Bored of the argument and finished with the bananas I set staring at the seagull on the blue boat sensing that Tobi was getting restless next to me. We forgot about the heated debate and were probably both thinking about lunch when in a sudden move he jumped up and before reaching the peak of his jump he spread wings and flew up on a tree top probably to look around. I wasn’t paying much attention to it as I was enchanted by the seagull staring at me with, well, seagull eyes so I managed to see something that I thought was impossible. I cannot write any more about it…

We got home in peace, eventually.


Zigi, the zebra with multicolour stripes is stuck in Daycare tonight. I forgot to lift him and apparently it was my job to take him home. I had a very good, sensible intuition to forget about him though! I found out from Lili that Zigi was on the singing path in the morning driving Jen mad and everyone who could hear him. She even presented me with a sample. I am glad he is out of the house.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Things we love about Finland

I slept till noon today. Midweek. I can do that but remember me Sunday morning while you brows through the, well, Sunday Times? I will not be doing such thing but clearing away your Saturday night mess. In a manner of speaking. Being nice. I am like Santa! Which in this wicked inside out upside down world means that I AM Santa. Claus.

Or maybe just Gavri’el with an identity Crises.

Been like that for the last day. Talking nonsense. Tobi has had enough of it and as he didn’t know I was planning on spending the morning in the dream world he headed out picking flowers early today. Having lunch/breakfast with him and Lili - fried bacon - we pointed out to him that it is berry season, still. (I think he is starting to realise the size of the bite he is chewing. Winter. Even if it hasn’t begun yet. So looking for flowers was a nostalgic exercise for sunny days etc.) He has been out for 5 hours. Think about the berries he could have gathered in that time. Especially if fairies chipped in! But he came back empty ended.

In the afternoon we went to town, left Jen, Lili and two other kids at home. Smiling in the wind and taking the bus. We visited Kela about some money we stopped receiving from the UK wondering if they could replace that. They said that Yes, Her Majesty’s Inland Revenues have told them about it and they were expecting us for some time now and of course, not a problem, they will even backdate it properly and everything. I wondered if they would offer us coffee and cakes?! Tobi would have liked it. The cakes. It was weird. Smiling, friendly, easy going… I almost want to be unemployed and be a regular at Kela but then I remember stories I hear whispered in dark alleys, unlit corners of small, side street pubs about treatment some people receive there. How Kela takes inspiration from the famous TV series ‘24’ when treating those who don’t pay taxes. The same series CIA and US Army watches with scrutiny to learn new techniques from. When I watched it I lasted only about till half the second season before cannot taking now more, how sick it is. Tobi lasted about 11 minutes. Maybe only 10. Of the first episode. But he is not big on TV anyway. He got it right.

Kela likes me!

They like me because I pay taxes. So I contribute. That’s good. Of course theoretically I should be in the same category as those who only dare telling the menacing stories in the unlit corners and dark alleys for as a family we use up probably about 15-20 times as mach resources from tax payers’ money (maybe an exaggeration, maybe not) than we put in but luckily the law is biding for them so we are, I am on the good list. For the time being. When it stops doing so, the low its biding I guess it will be time to leave. Where? There is the saying about bridges and crossing and timing. Tobi has connections. We will keep him close always.

After Kela eventually we made it to Välkkylä to pick up one of our bikes that had a punctured tire 3 or 4 days back. Between 7 and 8 kms to cycle home from there, riding another bike, which we just happened to pick up from outside a café after borrowing it to a kind of brother for some time. I put Tobi on the bike with the punctured tyre so it would look like he is riding and I am holding on to it only to help him balance as he is new to cycling. He cautiously brought Lili’s helmet with him and really enjoyed the ride. After all I only had to let go of the bike because of loosing my balance 2 times during the journey causing it to fall over while in motion to the amusement of all passers by.

I received looks on the way home all saying in different ways ‘THIEF!’ As if one cannot just bring his own bike home riding another one. I thought that having Tobi riding the second bike would save us from those looks but I came to realise that there are lots of people who cannot see him. There are many people, in fact probably most of us who when meeting something out of the ordinary, unusual or even outstanding or astonishing chose not to see it from such trained reflexes that the person may not be aware of making that choice. Thus, Tobi is invisible for most. It is a way for people to maintain integrity of perception, a securely structured, enhanced and defined identity making the world a safe and cosy place to be. He for many doesn’t exist. But there you are, I mean you are there. For you he is real. You assume, something, just like the magpies.

We had a couple of good laughs on the way home. Those looks. Some made me think that after all, however libertarian I might be I am maybe better off joining the Facebook group ‘Tighten the Finnish Gun Laws’. After all, next time I push/pull home our bike with a flat tire I may not be so lucky and not that just everyone gets the wrong idea but one…


Some time has passed since last entry. It is sad for Working in two jobs depletes my energy and consequently, my loved ones, like Tobi suffer. Two days ago for example I have written an entry that has never got posted. Till now:

Sunday, 19.10.08
Tobi and I were wondering aimlessly downtown Oulu this afternoon as many of the passers by have noted. All 12 of them in the city centre. A place which every other day is crowded and I often like to avoid which funny because where else is there to go? But at least easy to avoid because it’s only a few maters in each direction.

They were wrong anyway. We were not aimless more hopeless. I am bored of the café we usually go to and looking for another one to settle in for a while. Unfortunately I am a bit too picky. Ask the dragon to find out.

I Like a place that has something out of line in it. Our place now is good because the tables always seem a bit disorganised. They are never in neat and perfect order like in a canteen. Like in any other café. And we can’t find a place that could replace it. Tobi doesn’t care of course. He occasionally raises the point like ‘Hello! We don’t drink coffee!!!’

I guess it’s a good point but how about the ‘feeling’ I always retaliate.

He left his scarf home this morning and it was slightly cold outside for him even if I have warned him several times it might be before leaving and he discarded my concern with examining thoroughly the thermometer outside our window.
He was cold all day and I guess I will have to keep a spare hat and scarf in my bag just in case for the future. I quite like the stuff he picked up in Paris by the way. Most of them are quite flowery. We have a hippy dragon.

Not many stories these days. I guess not much is happening.

A few days back we turned into our enclave, Virkakatu 5 To bump into 4 magpies. They seemed to be in the process of raiding the neighbourhood. Aggressive, efficient, slightly hectic. Of course we asked them what’s the plan and we came to find out they were an advanced scouting party. There were apparently rumours in town about the magic berries tree that will feed the whole flock till the spring. We thought they were lying and convinced ourselves that the true story was really that they were out the night before having a good time with a couple of beers and a cider stolen from drunk teenagers outside the kiosk. And they have lost a member from the drinking party. And now looking for him.

Later that day, not much later, we realised that we were wrong with our assumption. Which is a bummer Tobi thinks because after reading a number of books on Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism he believes, assumes that everything in life is just an assumption. Cannot be proven. Not even that one is alive. So it is annoying that our joined assumption was wrong. But here is a thought of fuel: The joined assumption of 2324544 Magpies, which is probably a bit of an exaggeration considering that Tobi cannot really count or estimate numbers and volumes - I am talking from experience. So I would say that the joined assumption of about 2315 Magpies seem to outweigh ours. And they assumed that they were looking for that magic tree. Found out later, from a crow we met outside the super market last night that Tobi’s and my suspicious behaviour convinced the advanced scouting party that we are hiding something, the magic berry tree and reported back that this is the place hence them showing up in full numbers. Crows don’t like us much now. Many of them has decent low abiding churchgoing life in Northern Synimaa but in fear of the Magpie swarm they became IDPs (Internally Displaced Person) for 2 days.

Blame us for someone else’s desperation. Anyone else wants to join in? We will just assume that you are sending us positive energy.

Thursday, 16 October 2008


This morning waiting on the bus we saw huge trucks loaded with grit, gravel heading for the city. I know what they mean. I know only too well and broke down in tears. Sobbing away unable to see anything from my tears Tobi had to breath some life into me. I quickly grew weary of dancing, trying to avoid light, in appearance fluffy balls of fire under my feet in the dark misty morning. We got on the bus and mentioned no more of the incident.

I understand his reluctance to be miserable about the approaching winter. I felt just the same way a year ago. I was excited and ready to experience the big Nordic winter. I was all thirst and discarded warnings of any kind. Of course most of the warnings and good advices were no use. None mentioned about the unimaginable length of the season. Tobi is here to experience it and I should not take it away from him. I will try.

I realised that I am riding the bus so early, even before winter has come out of selfless motivation hoping to steal a friendly gesture, a smile, a nod, a look of notice into people’s lives. On the bike it has become impossible to maintain a smile and one should try, it will quickly turn into a menacing grin in -2 Celsius riding against the North Wind.

The bus is different. Homely and warm. And people are miserable because it is often crowded and outside cold… Tobi is organising smile squads for the buses. But we wont pay to participants bus passes.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Politics somehow just wondered into this blog... sort of

I feel like I have eaten a couple of bricks. Can barely move. ‘bout half an hour ago I didn’t feel like eating bricks but a cheap dinner a ‘la posh. Hand carved oven roasted potatoes bought from Stockman with butter fried onion gravy. There isn’t a chipy for a couple of thousand kms around so we make our own takeaway from the imaginary corner chip shop. One can see how I sometimes intend to make up stories and tell tall tales though: To our regular dinner budget chip shop takeaway is a step up.

Dinner was late so it missed the news. I have taken recently to watching news. Channel four off the internet so usually a day late but these days I feel some urge to keep up somewhat. Scotland was getting a slacking even by the presenters for wanting to be independent. They, Scottish gov could not have bailed out Royal Bank of Scotland so how much deep dong they would be in now… like Iceland. A couple of minutes before we were presented how the UK gov buys up some 4 banks and with that affectively tripling national debt to 120% of GDP which is unprecedented in history. Buying than RBS by an independent Scotland would have created a national debt of what? 4 or 5 or 8 times the Scottish GDP? Yeah, that would be so good for them. What a scandal these days are. But I am sure it will blow over and although our kids wont bother learning Chinese but the following generation will have to. It will be hard to swallow I guess especially for the European-American white supremacy ethnocentric culture but again, for our grandkids it will probably be normal. Anyway, I think the whole trouble is the pixies having some fun on our expense. Of course some guys get out of it a couple of yachts as well…

But the revolution, the smile must live, the show must go on! The public bus shall be a forum of happiness and that is the real challenge we face in the 21st century.

Winter is here. Just to write about something familiar. The other day, on Monday walking from the bus we, Tobi and I walked by Mannerheimin Puisto, a park with the Kela building on the other side from our route. KELA is the all mighty institution that will not shy away from assassination in order to prevent one from getting their name in that magic database but once one makes it, even if a corpse Kela will through money at the person without a second thought for whatever reason they can come up with. Or so I have been told. They are the benefit office and after this lengthy description getting to the point we walk by more less oblivious but for the crows gathering in the park that morning, some previous ones and I fear many more to come as well. These are not just the regular summer crows you see lingering in town, no! There are many full grown jet back ravens with beaks that intimidate any lousy or brave and fully grown house dragon.

Winter is coming and they have moved into town. Run out of seasonal work we found out as Tobi finally gathering some courage started to exchange small talk with a smaller group of about 42. They are in town looking for hand outs it was revealed to us and they gather every morning on Mannerheimin Puisto waiting for Kela to open and try yet again for getting on that magic list. I know a person or two in the same field. As far I can tell they follow a different strategy from that of the crows. I think the crow however are not concerned much with all the bad press about Kela for there are a great many of them and nature tells us that in number lies security. (Interestingly human city dwellers don’t always seem to share this) I am amazed by the courage, bravery and stamina of people working in this offices standing up to this ravaging crowd of jet black and ordinary greyish crows with some magpies wondering somehow in their ranks.

We are very political today. Maybe I should let go of watching news. After all, I don’t have a mortgage, I don’t have savings and I can sleep knowing that my banking is in the safe, solid rock hands of Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling… and yet I just can’t let go…

Tobi is persuasive. Teeth, claws, fire. It’s a deal. I will seize the activity of watching and reading news for a week! If the world ends in that time please write a comment to this post or send me a message on face book letting me know

Sunday, 12 October 2008


It is time for my apology.
So it is difficult to begin but I must admit that he has been back for over 2 weeks and I haven’t bothered to mention about it. In fact, I haven’s bothered to mention about anything. Not in writing. Tobi found out yesterday and he hasn’t spoken to me since, not in words and what the rest told I will never find words do describe. But of course I am not searching for there are things that are best left untold.

I have my excuse.

About a month back I have met these guys. I mentioned I think. It feels like another life looking back. It was before Tobi left for Vietnam and shopping in France, before I have became aware of writers around me and before I have realized that the number 30 is something that will be part of my description soon.

What he told me saddened me and made me realise there are few things only that last forever. One of those things is my love for dates stuffed with marzipan but everything else really just fades away in time. Finally however, we came to terms and talking again, only the present that matters and tomorrow is to be cared about tomorrow. No counting of days and measuring time in insignificant ways for that shortens eternity and we shall miss the joys of the autumn rains.

It’s been rainy for a week and I think the weather is miserable. I am used to life here and seem to have forgotten life in Glasgow. Tobi doesn’t like the rain but haven’t mastered flying with an umbrella yet so he is back on the back of the bike when I happen to cycle. I am bored of it now. Get on the bus most of the time. Became a wimp although the entertainment on the bus often is… well, entertaining and completely unofficial and I think may have to do something with me. Like the other day when I got on the bus and opened my book. When I stopped reading at the end of my lunch break I haven’t realised that only a page and a half left. I finished it quickly on the bus and almost cried. People sitting opposite me, most of the bus because I always sit on the seats on top of the wheel looking at the back, so people sitting opposite me were a bit confused I think. But it was a wonderful book and having been a mainstream class teacher for some years the story hit home with me. Before finding the back cover when turning the page I came across an interview made with Frank Mc the author and reading that for the rest of the journey I laughed out loud a couple of times. Even more confusing and I think that someone was considering calling the police for disturbing peace but it seems I got off before he could take no more of it.

Tobi brought home some wonderful clothes and I think he is gonna have a smashing winter although for the time being I wonder if it is going to be a smashing winter at all. Of course I am kinda new here but I remember this time last year we were into serious minuses in the mornings. A heck of a lot milder now. Anything can happen and I am staying away from challenging weather on anything. My issues with wind during the summer weren’t particularly fun. A lot to work on. At least for me.

Apologies again because there has so much been happening and I have let down the demanding scores of my readers and characters while refusing to write. Those writer guys you know, they caused me some stage fright and I have forgotten all about myself. Finally Tobi showed me a mirror today. It was cracked and dirty but that only gave some perspective. It was good. He is very thoughtful, when coming back from the trips for example he phoned in advance letting us know that dinner should be ready and yes, he is back on eating cats. On receiving the news of his coming home Lili pointed out that I should clear the top of the fridge. It is amazing how quickly an unused spot will be cluttered with clutter.

He run into some trouble in Vietnam. We all have our families I suppose but for the time it seems to be sorted. In the mail we got in some letters about a court case he is to attend to on certain dates etc. Nothing to worry about although I am a little bit worried but receiving an explanation I got a bit confused so Not going into details. In nutshell I think the issue is that he is a grown up now but he refused something of a something that in affect causes the termination of a kind of status registry that creates a precedent which requires a constituionalising sitting of the assembly with breakfast served at the exact moment of sunrise in Hafnir, Southern Iceland. Nutshell.

We are happy. Time to sleep.
By the way Tobi loves me new name! So do I. although I am not sure I will have a passport change.