Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Politics somehow just wondered into this blog... sort of

I feel like I have eaten a couple of bricks. Can barely move. ‘bout half an hour ago I didn’t feel like eating bricks but a cheap dinner a ‘la posh. Hand carved oven roasted potatoes bought from Stockman with butter fried onion gravy. There isn’t a chipy for a couple of thousand kms around so we make our own takeaway from the imaginary corner chip shop. One can see how I sometimes intend to make up stories and tell tall tales though: To our regular dinner budget chip shop takeaway is a step up.

Dinner was late so it missed the news. I have taken recently to watching news. Channel four off the internet so usually a day late but these days I feel some urge to keep up somewhat. Scotland was getting a slacking even by the presenters for wanting to be independent. They, Scottish gov could not have bailed out Royal Bank of Scotland so how much deep dong they would be in now… like Iceland. A couple of minutes before we were presented how the UK gov buys up some 4 banks and with that affectively tripling national debt to 120% of GDP which is unprecedented in history. Buying than RBS by an independent Scotland would have created a national debt of what? 4 or 5 or 8 times the Scottish GDP? Yeah, that would be so good for them. What a scandal these days are. But I am sure it will blow over and although our kids wont bother learning Chinese but the following generation will have to. It will be hard to swallow I guess especially for the European-American white supremacy ethnocentric culture but again, for our grandkids it will probably be normal. Anyway, I think the whole trouble is the pixies having some fun on our expense. Of course some guys get out of it a couple of yachts as well…

But the revolution, the smile must live, the show must go on! The public bus shall be a forum of happiness and that is the real challenge we face in the 21st century.

Winter is here. Just to write about something familiar. The other day, on Monday walking from the bus we, Tobi and I walked by Mannerheimin Puisto, a park with the Kela building on the other side from our route. KELA is the all mighty institution that will not shy away from assassination in order to prevent one from getting their name in that magic database but once one makes it, even if a corpse Kela will through money at the person without a second thought for whatever reason they can come up with. Or so I have been told. They are the benefit office and after this lengthy description getting to the point we walk by more less oblivious but for the crows gathering in the park that morning, some previous ones and I fear many more to come as well. These are not just the regular summer crows you see lingering in town, no! There are many full grown jet back ravens with beaks that intimidate any lousy or brave and fully grown house dragon.

Winter is coming and they have moved into town. Run out of seasonal work we found out as Tobi finally gathering some courage started to exchange small talk with a smaller group of about 42. They are in town looking for hand outs it was revealed to us and they gather every morning on Mannerheimin Puisto waiting for Kela to open and try yet again for getting on that magic list. I know a person or two in the same field. As far I can tell they follow a different strategy from that of the crows. I think the crow however are not concerned much with all the bad press about Kela for there are a great many of them and nature tells us that in number lies security. (Interestingly human city dwellers don’t always seem to share this) I am amazed by the courage, bravery and stamina of people working in this offices standing up to this ravaging crowd of jet black and ordinary greyish crows with some magpies wondering somehow in their ranks.

We are very political today. Maybe I should let go of watching news. After all, I don’t have a mortgage, I don’t have savings and I can sleep knowing that my banking is in the safe, solid rock hands of Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling… and yet I just can’t let go…

Tobi is persuasive. Teeth, claws, fire. It’s a deal. I will seize the activity of watching and reading news for a week! If the world ends in that time please write a comment to this post or send me a message on face book letting me know

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