Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Some time has passed since last entry. It is sad for Working in two jobs depletes my energy and consequently, my loved ones, like Tobi suffer. Two days ago for example I have written an entry that has never got posted. Till now:

Sunday, 19.10.08
Tobi and I were wondering aimlessly downtown Oulu this afternoon as many of the passers by have noted. All 12 of them in the city centre. A place which every other day is crowded and I often like to avoid which funny because where else is there to go? But at least easy to avoid because it’s only a few maters in each direction.

They were wrong anyway. We were not aimless more hopeless. I am bored of the café we usually go to and looking for another one to settle in for a while. Unfortunately I am a bit too picky. Ask the dragon to find out.

I Like a place that has something out of line in it. Our place now is good because the tables always seem a bit disorganised. They are never in neat and perfect order like in a canteen. Like in any other café. And we can’t find a place that could replace it. Tobi doesn’t care of course. He occasionally raises the point like ‘Hello! We don’t drink coffee!!!’

I guess it’s a good point but how about the ‘feeling’ I always retaliate.

He left his scarf home this morning and it was slightly cold outside for him even if I have warned him several times it might be before leaving and he discarded my concern with examining thoroughly the thermometer outside our window.
He was cold all day and I guess I will have to keep a spare hat and scarf in my bag just in case for the future. I quite like the stuff he picked up in Paris by the way. Most of them are quite flowery. We have a hippy dragon.

Not many stories these days. I guess not much is happening.

A few days back we turned into our enclave, Virkakatu 5 To bump into 4 magpies. They seemed to be in the process of raiding the neighbourhood. Aggressive, efficient, slightly hectic. Of course we asked them what’s the plan and we came to find out they were an advanced scouting party. There were apparently rumours in town about the magic berries tree that will feed the whole flock till the spring. We thought they were lying and convinced ourselves that the true story was really that they were out the night before having a good time with a couple of beers and a cider stolen from drunk teenagers outside the kiosk. And they have lost a member from the drinking party. And now looking for him.

Later that day, not much later, we realised that we were wrong with our assumption. Which is a bummer Tobi thinks because after reading a number of books on Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism he believes, assumes that everything in life is just an assumption. Cannot be proven. Not even that one is alive. So it is annoying that our joined assumption was wrong. But here is a thought of fuel: The joined assumption of 2324544 Magpies, which is probably a bit of an exaggeration considering that Tobi cannot really count or estimate numbers and volumes - I am talking from experience. So I would say that the joined assumption of about 2315 Magpies seem to outweigh ours. And they assumed that they were looking for that magic tree. Found out later, from a crow we met outside the super market last night that Tobi’s and my suspicious behaviour convinced the advanced scouting party that we are hiding something, the magic berry tree and reported back that this is the place hence them showing up in full numbers. Crows don’t like us much now. Many of them has decent low abiding churchgoing life in Northern Synimaa but in fear of the Magpie swarm they became IDPs (Internally Displaced Person) for 2 days.

Blame us for someone else’s desperation. Anyone else wants to join in? We will just assume that you are sending us positive energy.

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