Sunday, 2 November 2008

Snow and...


Moses has found his winter shelter actually some time ago. I just thought it may be time to mention before I forget again. For the last couple of weeks he could be found in our bed. It is a bit unsettling to share our bed with a teddy bear yet somehow oddly comforting. Several times I have tried to get rid of him, even throwing him out outright but I turn and there he is. Berry season has finished long ago and I guess he realised there is nothing left worth living for but obviously bears have a different take on things. Sleep it out when times get a bit depressing and start afresh when the sun is bright and the bringer of warm winds again. In these times of desperation, desperate yet depressed this might be a hint for us all. Can you imagine Las Vegas shutting up for 6 months, everyone asleep till better times? Would be spooky so I guess they could have managed at least Halloween well. Tobi says Moses looked at him with disapproving, sleepy eyes when told by the dragon he won’t sleep this winter.

He is too happy now. Especially that the white stuff fell on us on Friday. Getting home was a misery for me. He just couldn’t get enough of it. In the park with leftover bread we fed some birds who were ever so gracious. When we run out of crumbs the ducks turned around and walked away as if nothing has happened. The ones that didn’t turn around instantly stared through us as if we weren’t there yet still addressing us saying things that sounded a bit like ‘bastards’ and ‘is this all you give damned fools!’
Tobi sneezed quickly and that put them into their place. Back in the water quicker than you thought a duck could move. Although Ducks can move faster than you think. I heard gossips that in the old times, before a lot of things have happened they were into racing a lot. Now they just shouted stuff like ‘Vandals!’

A nearby Magpie seemed to have had a good laugh at them. We joined in.

Today I somehow ended up feeding the ducks again. They were much more polite this time. Finally the thing downed on them, a party where we bring the food and they do the eating. They all politely introduced themselves. I can remember only Ashley and Bob. Yeah, and Robert.

Saturday morning we weren’t out quite yet at the crack of dawn but managed eventually to enjoy the snow only after 6 months it has all finally melted. A snow angel, a snow cat ready to jump but not quite managing, a snow castle for really little people but wonderful turrets and doorways and Wall-E. One of our neighbours has built a realistically sized Tobi probably trying to signal that they are ok with us having a dragon in the area and all. He really liked it.

A quiet weekend, Halloween passed us completely oblivious apart from maybe lighting a candle or two and building a Charley and Lola inspired Halloween castle.

The Vandals made an appearance.

Today we were enjoying Sunday morning for a change. Which hasn’t really happened besides a swift and stressful holiday to Hungary for the pas year or so when looking out the window around 11 I see that some kids who live in our neighbourhood have felt that our snow creations were disturbing the peace. Maybe they mistaken them to idols worshiped by unwanted pagans so Tobi-copy lost its head and so did wallE with arms ripped off. Cat’s head was kicked a few meters away from him and the snow castle was broken too. I feel for a person, especially so young who feels the need to do such things and hereby I will blame the media. Although I know that things are far more complicated than that. Tobi had to be restrained for several hours. We had lunch in the meantime.

The day has passed.

By the way, Vandals supposedly were no more vandalious than other tribes taking a bite from the then Holy Roman Empire. Just for the record

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