Lili fell asleep sitting of the sofa. She was blank refusing to get in her bed and as it stand, rules would not be rules if they were not to be broken. Routine had one meaning and that is the breaking of it so he sat on the sofa, tired, with a blanket on her lap and covering her ears with her hands. That was the exact position. What comforts a person can find puzzles me so many times.
On Saturday at 8pm it was earth hour. I forgot to mention.
It was fun. I hear that a total of 26 cities in the world have participated following Sydney's lead in turning off the lights for an hour. Amusing isn't it?! maybe next year there will be more... pathetic
Lili and I turned out the lights for an hour although she didn't really understand why we are only at candle lights but it was something different and new so she enjoyed it. As mentioned earlier, Tobi was pub crawling by then - so much about dragons and nature... Jen was on her way to Päivi's. So Earth hour was good. We done our bit for the year. Carry on us usual!
Yesterday I had to share the house with hangin' over people. So I cleaned the kitchen and the Fridge! which was fun. Haven't found any potential components for biochemical weapons. Luckily. But sometimes stuff can hide in the fridge for a long time and if unchecked... like a bit of blue cheese that could start... Well, find out for yourself!
Snow is melting. Apparently it is a - now listen - rainy day. I mean RAINY!
I am lost for words... sort of
Monday, 31 March 2008
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Saturday, And everyone got surprised day (but the ones who watch weather forcast on TV, so I got surpised day)
Before that last bit happened, she realized that I was awake therefore she did not need to go back to bed, she could just start bothering me with... well, anything that came to her mind. 2 hours later my alarm went off, at last... half hour later when I was about to step out the door I gave her a kiss and a hug, although I wanted to... never mind. She sternly addressed me 'But Apa (Daddy), I'm talking to you!'
She has not stopped talking between 7 and 7:30am. I stepped out the door...
I thought it was going to be better after that, but went from bed to worst. My distinguished lazy bum colleague has managed to show up at work for 11am. He claimed there was a dragon stopping him from getting in, but somehow he has never called to mention it in the three hours. Later I also managed to find out, overhearing a phone conversation that he was at his girlfriend's last night and... Officially I don't speak Finnish you know, but I can understand things when I 'm interested. We, I started at 8. He seemed to have been a bit offended by my groom mood with him. When at the end of the shift I left him with about an hour work still to be done, he looked like he felt he was taken advantage off. Funny turn of events, I mean emotions, isn't it?
If you wonder I am writing endless blogs on Saturday night, Jen is out with Päivi at never grow old bar... hm.
The title of this memo... surprised! Time to refer to it.
Spring has come to Oulu! Today there was not only warm sun but warm air in the air. Ok this sounds a bit stupid but it was a very springy day. The average snow cover on the fields have been reduced to 19.78cm!!!!
There was a spontaneous parade in town late afternoon. Tobi is still there. I guess it turned into pub crawling (is this a British word or did I just make it up?).
The amazing thing about Tobi that although he is ok now for being in Town, visiting pub, getting wasted and stuff, in the afternoon he appeared to be dying of Milk! His system is milk intolerant but Lili offered him some anyway and it did not turn out good. I will not cast light on details. It was Nasty.
The first sketch for drawing a dragon profile has been cast today but it is far from publishable, and the guy is so picky anyway that I think he would cast me out of his will, should I show it to anyone else. Some time later
! question, I am too lazy with a dictionary now:
I am confused with 'z' and 's'. I used to know it well then I moved from Scotland. Facebook came and all... now I am paranoid and try to write evry 's' to 'z', but surely!...
29 March, 2008 Public
Friday, Official Spring May Starts Sometime Soon Day
Of course I understand the cheers and happiness! We came to a crucial point for now: there may be enough unsnowed spots 65 Degrees North of the Equator in the town of Oulu, that the melting of snow will become an unstoppable chain reaction.
You know the physics, less ice/snow, more heat from the sun captured, more melting, more heat, more... Same as the north pole icecap. Unfortunately none looked at the estimates by the press that even optimistic prognosis say that earliest the snow will have melted by mid October. Just about the time we will be expecting the first blizzards of the coming winter.
This is the hardest, here, now, wanting to be outside, enjoying a spring, knowing that places you once, and somehow still call home have already engaged spring. And parts of me have to. My system is ready for the change of the season but winter is not wanting let its grip. It is probably worst than the long weeks of the darkness.
-enough of renting yet there is more to come.
Tobi... would want to say a few things but better not listen to a moaning dragon, besides, he cannot type. He is often annoying, today he came up with the idea that I should make a picture of him, I should draw him. As if I had nothing better to do! You let a dragon into your house and... it's
almost like getting a few kids. Time consuming more than anything.
Leave it there.
Check out Half Hour, It is not of Facebook, there isn't a blogging platform on Facebook that could support all my need, so I put some free writing experiments there.
28 March, 2008 Public
Wednesday... snowstorm day
... This reminds me to a situation where I had to hold myself back today. quite a lot. But Jen was surprised to see I did. Of course she didn't know my secret 'holding back weapon'!
I went into one of her classes today, some stimulus to the mind of a cleaner is a positive effort to keep the professional educator alive inside. The lecturer seemed desperate to spark some discussion. The class seemed oblivious to this. So I... but I did not want to take over, further not start discussing with the teacher and attack some of her points. I had help at hand.
Tobi was there, of course in secret. He borrowed an invisibility cloak from Harry (nowdays the guy runs a business in them with the Weasley brothers). So I knew that should I get carried away, I should be attacked by a dragon, the size of a German Shepard. I know it may not sound scary, but you should try to pick a fight with one, even a play fight, you would be lucky to end up in the Accident and Emergency. (ER)
The class was interesting though.
It was Philosophy and Ethichs in Education. And we were learning about, guess! Approaches to the Teaching of Ethics. There was a lot on Value Transmission, and not so much on inquiry and Natural Moral Development. I bit my tongue at some point but not gonna go into details. you can all find me... But although I sound negative it was fantastic fun! I like being in classroom regardless which side of it. Maybe next time I will not ask Tobi to help me... especially that the renting of the cloak for the day cost me dearly.
I am phasing this blog out, initially it will be placed on Blogger. I am trying to run 4 blogs and Facebook isn't supporting it properly. I will maintain a link.
The new place will be, when completely ready on
and the sub pages are as follow
Half Hour does not appear on Facebook. It is a collection of writing exercises.
10 minutes uninterrupted, nonstop, unthinking writing,
10 minutes typing up
10 minutes editing and publishing.
Keep Reading
26 March, 2008 Public
Tuesday yet again?
I do not know if I mentioned it before but Lili has also built a bed for him, from blocks. All imaginary. I am almost jealous of Tobi for the good care he receives.
By the way, Sleeping Beauty, who used to stay with us has moved to Sweden recently, I guess to take part in the same course Sari studies at, generously left all her makeup for Lili. Although she commutes back to Oulu on a regular basis, like this morning to give some flowers to Tobi. Tobi had a special day.
Well... It was sunny and warm, for local standards. In the morning we started on minus 9 or something. No wonder the poor dragon is so tired, his system is not used to handle this climate. Neither is mine.
Comment - any of you ever have Lili around, DO NOT let her on the phone, she is sitting next to me and we cannot get the headset off her head! It has grown to it or something!!!
I had a nice day. I started off at the Uni Library reading educational journals. Then other stuff and just finished spending a fortune booking flights for the summer. It feels good to spend money on your credit card but feels a bit tricky to think about balancing the card after... I guess this is a feeling that many Europeans and Americans are familiar with. At Be happy that we can afford it. sort of. But Tobi is on the advantage again. I suppose it can come in handy to have wings.
25 March, 2008 Public
Monday, at last!!!
And yes, yesterday there was no blog... blasphemy!!!
It had to do with 2 things: 1) work, 2) three pints of Kilkenny.
1) Easter holiday, and I am sure that I mentioned this before, here in northern Finland is a time of eating and drinking. Cleaning a nightclub meets the results of these two on several levels. tiring like nothing you can imagine!
2) On Saturday night after 3 pints of Kilkenny, I had to admit that I cannot handle drink as well anymore as I used to, when back in college. Had a hangover...
Tobi took care of the plant well enough. He was snoring in an uncomfortable looking twisted position having attempted to stare at The plant continuously before falling asleep.
He wants his own blog by the way! And he wants a Facebook account to!!! I think I managed to talk him off it, for now, but I put a childlock on the internet, just in case. And I sleep now using the laptop for pillow. Just in case. I haven't slept very well last night.
Can you imagine; a dragoon on facebook? What kind of netwoork would it join? What groups? Crazy... (with a zed)
Lili had a fantastic sleepover, although The 2 girls seem to be quite good at competing and annoying each other. Yet they love it! I, after all, do not understand 4 year olds. Maybe best this way.
I have not seen Tobi today. He must have took off somewhere, maybe he got tempted by some real cats. Olgierd, is he there?
24 March, 2008 Public
And it isn't so because it is snowing. But we are about to go out tonight!
Lili is having a sleepover at her friend's place and I managed on convincing Tobi that he needs to monitor the growing of our plant tonight.
I know, sounds pathetic. plant. no plural. But you know, winter has been harsh on our green flower type creatures on the window sill. Half them died.
And it still sounds pathetic... 2 flowers?!
Tobi came to work with me today. It was utterly annoying. He didn't bother to fly because it was cold so he sat on the back of my bike singing loud and wobbling left and right. We fell twice. And there is nothing worst than a moaning dragon, especially when you know that he is at fault.
Anyway, I was quite prepared today because I brought two sandwiches. So I got to eat at least one of them. As his imaginary cat was no good for killing his hunger.
Lili was looking for Tobi today, but she couldn't find him, she didn't know I guess that he came with me to work.
This is actually interesting in many ways, I will write more about it on Honouring the Wolf.
So I said no blog!!! Ha ha!
Better go now before all the Tapas will be gone from the Tapas restaurant!
yeah, one more thing! In Bisketi, which is the caffee where we go all the time when have spare cash or meeting someone, Jen helped me to discover that... well, They have Kilkeny on the Tap. The greates surprise of all
22 March, 2008 Public
Friday of some sort
This is a special extended weekend in Finland. Festive days honouring a religious tradition from way back. For four days even the wind stops working, the sun is the only thing that is in motion and someone else, but come to that later. Easter is here!
Although I wonder, why bother, why bother giving these holidays to people when wast majority has no connection to it, their actions have no reference. Yesterday Oululaiset people were shopping as if they were getting food in to sit out a small scale nuclear war. I guess they will eat themselves to oblivion over the weekend. Although is they try, could remember that today is meant to be a day of fasting (by the standards of the referred festivity). Another thing, when cycling to work at 6 am this morning, I have seen plenty of visibly wasted young people downtown Oulu. Two hours after they were kicked out of the night clubs and all food outlets shut too and roughly about 36 hours before anything else would open it still hasn't occurred to them that they could just go home. You can imagine what have they done to the place where I have a day job but let us not shed more words to it. Tobi says I waste to much for this ragefull stuff anyway. And I actually agree with him although Thinking of it, I mean rage, I need to mention something. This involves him to because he, for once offered a solution to my mindpuzzling wondering!!!
The story begins, or continues, perhaps ends with a top that Lili got as a present some time ago. It has a picture on it and a sing, 'Fairy Princess'. The colours of the hole thing are a variety of pink. So basically, the logo is:
Pink Fairy Princess
Now hello! I say. Pink? Princess?!
fairies are a creature of the woods. They, if anything, loath pink. Mostly ignore it tough. And the are an Anarchist people. To a degree that they would - probably be the only ones in the world - agree with a former PM of the UK,'There is no such thing as Society'. They are anarchist to a degree that actually they do not live in an organised society, manner, way. They are disorganised therefore are unable to present and take part in any sort of hierarchal organisation such as Feudalism and they are certainly not pink in any sick or decent way.
You may ask how I know all this but remember!, I share my apartment and chunk of my life with a dragon. Dragons know stuff. But I was wondering about this stuff. Why do we, humans associate Fairies with hierarchic feudal structures and consumerist pinks? Doesn't make sense because this would just make them sick! Besides, they would probably be outraged enough to retaliate, trick and annoy every living human ever even close to a forest not to mention enter it.
And Tobi, bless him for that, put some light on the issue for me. Here is the brief version:
Fairies are bored. Of us. They hinted the seeds of the idea of 'Pink F Princess'. Far from their actual selves us possible and in this way, we wont even consider to try to find them, or even believe in them, etc. I think I believe him.
Lili, Jen and Ella just have been making some masks. Lili and Jen were running around playing monsters. At first I had to restrain him, Tobi, he has a belly for monsters, and I had to explain him that they were only playing monsters, not being. Lili asked him to join in which Tobi did. Then she explained Ella that 'Dady has an imaginary Dragon'. Well, you never really have a dragon, it just comes and you try not to let it take over your life.
21 March, 2008 Public
The house was teeming of monster life this night. And Tobi was just sitting on the top of the fridge. That is where he likes to sit. Lili couldn't go to the toilet from the beasts.
She couldn't get the ladder for Tobi to get down because the monsters broke it to bits...
Just us well that Tobi is a dragon and an excellent flier. NO more monsters than.
According to Lili monsters eat people. Not only fish. She has a new dog by the way. It likes to eat play dough.
In the afternoon she told me 'I like playing with Tobi'. This warmed my heart a lot. She is very aware that Tobi is imaginary, although he would have a couple of words on that. Or more. Tamper is not always a strong side of a fire spitting beast. - yes, Lili loves having this game.
We has a nice day today. Morning was cold but the sun was warm. Lili and I took on the habit of visiting the library every coupe of weeks. Read some, take some books out. It must be curious for others to see when we read. I read in Finnish, Lili asks something in Egnlish and I answer to her in Hungarian. When overheard it so much feels like showing off. But than we live our lives like this.
At times I feel a bit jelous of our house dragon. What a life he's got! He has been her only for a couple of weeks and he is fluent in Finnihs. Couple of day back he was on the phone to Lili, winding her up speaking in Finnihs, then Lili handed over te phone to Jen but Tobi just kept on in Finnish even though Jen really doesn't understand it. And I struggle so much to learn.
I lost my motivation by the way. Learning Finnish is less and less of a priority. I learned, that to pretty much everyone it took about 2 years to get to a level where they can communicate comfortably, etc. So that would be a time I could get a more desirable job. By then I won't want it because I will do things that do not include competing on the Oulu labour market. Maybe I should learn Spanish. That's an easier language.
I know that 5 people have read this blog so far (for more less sure I know that). It keeps me going!!! but spread the news of us
Also, I have 2 other blogs, although I have not bothered with the 3rd one for very long time. They all a bit differnt you know. Stupid questions should not be posed (about why to have 3). So check them out. See if what.
and comment. Let me know my readers are out there.
Back to the jealousy. Bloody Dragon can speak Finnish, in no time. He also got a job in a Day Care for dragon kids a couple of days back. I almost want his life. Two things put me off however, really.
Gently chewing on my toe (it feels like about to be crushed) he is trying to tell me he sould be let outside because...
... I let him out, could not take the pain in my toes, so yes, although dragons can use the toilet, but they cannot under no circumstances sneeze inside, or in any close proximity of other living creatures. Unless of course they would wish them to light up.
I let him back in. It is cold outside now, approaching -10 and Tobi is a cold blooded creature (that sounds so menacing)
And two, I do not want to eat cats! Even if they are imaginary
19 March, 2008 Public
She couldn't get the ladder for Tobi to get down because the monsters broke it to bits...
Just us well that Tobi is a dragon and an excellent flier. NO more monsters than.
According to Lili monsters eat people. Not only fish. She has a new dog by the way. It likes to eat play dough.
In the afternoon she told me 'I like playing with Tobi'. This warmed my heart a lot. She is very aware that Tobi is imaginary, although he would have a couple of words on that. Or more. Tamper is not always a strong side of a fire spitting beast. - yes, Lili loves having this game.
We has a nice day today. Morning was cold but the sun was warm. Lili and I took on the habit of visiting the library every coupe of weeks. Read some, take some books out. It must be curious for others to see when we read. I read in Finnish, Lili asks something in Egnlish and I answer to her in Hungarian. When overheard it so much feels like showing off. But than we live our lives like this.
At times I feel a bit jelous of our house dragon. What a life he's got! He has been her only for a couple of weeks and he is fluent in Finnihs. Couple of day back he was on the phone to Lili, winding her up speaking in Finnihs, then Lili handed over te phone to Jen but Tobi just kept on in Finnish even though Jen really doesn't understand it. And I struggle so much to learn.
I lost my motivation by the way. Learning Finnish is less and less of a priority. I learned, that to pretty much everyone it took about 2 years to get to a level where they can communicate comfortably, etc. So that would be a time I could get a more desirable job. By then I won't want it because I will do things that do not include competing on the Oulu labour market. Maybe I should learn Spanish. That's an easier language.
I know that 5 people have read this blog so far (for more less sure I know that). It keeps me going!!! but spread the news of us
Also, I have 2 other blogs, although I have not bothered with the 3rd one for very long time. They all a bit differnt you know. Stupid questions should not be posed (about why to have 3). So check them out. See if what.
and comment. Let me know my readers are out there.
Back to the jealousy. Bloody Dragon can speak Finnish, in no time. He also got a job in a Day Care for dragon kids a couple of days back. I almost want his life. Two things put me off however, really.
Gently chewing on my toe (it feels like about to be crushed) he is trying to tell me he sould be let outside because...
... I let him out, could not take the pain in my toes, so yes, although dragons can use the toilet, but they cannot under no circumstances sneeze inside, or in any close proximity of other living creatures. Unless of course they would wish them to light up.
I let him back in. It is cold outside now, approaching -10 and Tobi is a cold blooded creature (that sounds so menacing)
And two, I do not want to eat cats! Even if they are imaginary
19 March, 2008 Public
quiet Tuesday
After Sauna Lili claimed that Tobi is not a dragon just my imaginary friend. 'Who happens to be a dragon' I had to explain. Tobi doesn't have kids or a family, this is one reason he stays with us, and the free food of course.
Question to anyone... What do you do when 'they' your company masses up and can't give you your paycheck only pay you your wages. When receiving the money you strongly suspect that you have been underpaid but cannot prove it because the paycheck is not in existence...
When they ignore your request... well at what point one goes to the Union?
Who bets they would be of any use.
When I asked, Tobi mumbled something about spitting fire and chewing toes of but I am not sure I understood him correctly. Also, it would not get me my money.
I tried once, back in Scotland. I was not in trouble only that I had a quarrel with an agency, I was right but they had the power. I went to my union and they said... nothing really. They said they cannot do anything about it. They just didn't feel like going to all the trouble for the one guy. Same story would be on the present one.
Unions s&%k!!! Yet if you not in one you can be so badly s¤%&#d that there are no words for that.
I am not sure what I am trying to say; is it down with unions or long live the unions?
18 March, 2008 Public
Three minutes past monday
Have been feeling for a while I should go... but I like to put things, like this, out. Shouldn't have.
The doctor told me that it is such a weired profession, some of her friends thinks she must be some sadist or something. And of course, At times, she caused me considerable amount of pain. A lot actually, not to mention that I ended up sitting there for over an hour. Yes. It is bad. Don't want to go to details but I should have gone a year ago for a check up. I wouldn't have come to a root canal treatment over three or four hour sessions. Lesson learned then. But anyway, I told my newly acquired Finnish dentist that I think one should look at the broader picture. Without her, or dentists in general, people would starve to death or die of painkiller overdose. Not to mention that there are far worst doctors who slice their patients open and do stuff about their insides, only that they put them to sleep beforehand so none remembers these atrocities.
My new dentist felt much better about herself after all this, so our conversation continued and she asked about how did I get here , etc. I told her the story briefly (this past 6 months really I have been only an attachment to Jen, most sentences start with, 'Well, my wife is studi...'), I told her about how we were dancing with joy when the first snow came in November and how I am so fed up with it now and just want it all to be gone and daffodils and stuff instead!
I said something wrong. I could see it on her face. It was clear like a winter night in -35 Celsius. looping back to pain caused: our lovely conversations took place while waiting for the local anesthetic to kick in (increasing dosages... Why the pain?
She said it would heart tonight, I am doped up yet my head about to explode. I really should not have said anything about the snow!
Funny thing is, that - yeah, by the way. Tobi is home. Sleeping under Lili's bed. He had a long flight against the NorthWind but came 'cause Lili insisted. (Because he was not here really last night apparently, I guess Lili is a bit inconsistent, but you know, she is only 4) - so long round sentences I write in. If you follow, I start again.
Funny thing is that Tobi had a pretty good laugh at me today when I told him about my tooth. Dragons have indestructible teeth so decaying ones just seem all the bit absurd to them. Funny. - and Jen's suggestion of alterego seems to catch here doesn't it? But I still insist, Tobi is not an ae!
What really, really destroyed my moral today was not all the stuff that is written above but the fact that when I left the Terveysasema (healthcentre) it started to snow. And snows still I think. Does anyone know the date?
17 March, 2008 Public
Friday, 28 March 2008
SUNday - not
Spring is here. Or to be exact it is there. Because it is not physically here. Not in this space, somewhere else, but there. Not here. Definitely not... So Tobi is in Hungary and not only because of the mug that was left outside yesterday. It is warmer there. Spring is there for instance.
We had a sleepover last night. Lili's friend stayed. A ride I can tell you that when two 4 years old girls try desperately to be the boss of the other. Fortunately I have a serious toothache situation (have an appointment for Monday) so the whole thing has not bothered me much. Jen got the fun. But do not worry - about the girls, around four this is just part of the fun. Lili was moaning this evening that she wants to play with Roisin (Rosh-een(could not spell her name for my life)). Yet I am almost wondering if Tobi's absence had anything to do with the sleepover. But I would not think so, after all he seems quite excited about Lili's upcoming birthday (in about a month). So am I, which is a totally new thing. But Tobi keeps bugging me to start going into detailed plans of decorations and budgets etc etc... The aim of the party is to have a whole bunch of kids around and 4 spoken languages in the house. Not a Tobi thing susally.
Jen told me the most interesting thing: This dragon, Tobi, really is just an alter ego of mine. A lot of the personality traits, she says. Well, I don't know about the eating of cats. So I think she is wrong. I hate to eat cats.
Oululainen. This is what we are now. Oulu people although we are not traditional. Nevertheless, it is time to get involved in helping newcomers integrate. So with a bunch of other people we decided to try and breathe some life into one of the oldest of these helping organisations, CHAFF. Chamber of Assistance for Finns and Foreigners. A big promise to a lot of fun!
However, I have my... well, concerns somewhere quite up front: top of my head I can name apart from chaff three fairly large organisations in Oulu that are aimed at assisting foreigners settling and integrating here. All are run by foreigners. And there are another half dozen or so which are the same. I just don't know their names. So, we foreigners struggling to bland in really, will help others to do so? This is a really good one. I will not blame anyone but... suggestions?
There was a monster in the kitchen today. Play kitchen, which is a big clothes hanging wire rack covered with a sheet and packed with cardboard kitchen units and other stuff. Anyway, it would not leave and Tobi wasn't around to get rid of it. Tobi is terribly good at this stuff, although I am a bit suspicious of Lili on this one because before Tobi moved in, we never had any troubles with monsters. It is very considerate of her to try to keep the Dragon busy and imagine new monsters avery other day. So, I think Lili has been on the phone to Tobi (this is a picture isn't it? a dragon with a mobile) about 10 times tonight trying to find out when is he coming. It turned out he could come in 5. Problem solved. He is back in the warm now...
1 thing. Is anyone reading this, really? Drop a comment if you do! a feedback or something. You know, so I know if it is me I am writing for or an actual audience. If I am not aware of the audience I have a tendency to go way off (do with it as well) but helps to know.
about to post I realise that Someone did!!! Thanks!
so what now? 50 more to go?
16 March, 2008 Public
We had a sleepover last night. Lili's friend stayed. A ride I can tell you that when two 4 years old girls try desperately to be the boss of the other. Fortunately I have a serious toothache situation (have an appointment for Monday) so the whole thing has not bothered me much. Jen got the fun. But do not worry - about the girls, around four this is just part of the fun. Lili was moaning this evening that she wants to play with Roisin (Rosh-een(could not spell her name for my life)). Yet I am almost wondering if Tobi's absence had anything to do with the sleepover. But I would not think so, after all he seems quite excited about Lili's upcoming birthday (in about a month). So am I, which is a totally new thing. But Tobi keeps bugging me to start going into detailed plans of decorations and budgets etc etc... The aim of the party is to have a whole bunch of kids around and 4 spoken languages in the house. Not a Tobi thing susally.
Jen told me the most interesting thing: This dragon, Tobi, really is just an alter ego of mine. A lot of the personality traits, she says. Well, I don't know about the eating of cats. So I think she is wrong. I hate to eat cats.
Oululainen. This is what we are now. Oulu people although we are not traditional. Nevertheless, it is time to get involved in helping newcomers integrate. So with a bunch of other people we decided to try and breathe some life into one of the oldest of these helping organisations, CHAFF. Chamber of Assistance for Finns and Foreigners. A big promise to a lot of fun!
However, I have my... well, concerns somewhere quite up front: top of my head I can name apart from chaff three fairly large organisations in Oulu that are aimed at assisting foreigners settling and integrating here. All are run by foreigners. And there are another half dozen or so which are the same. I just don't know their names. So, we foreigners struggling to bland in really, will help others to do so? This is a really good one. I will not blame anyone but... suggestions?
There was a monster in the kitchen today. Play kitchen, which is a big clothes hanging wire rack covered with a sheet and packed with cardboard kitchen units and other stuff. Anyway, it would not leave and Tobi wasn't around to get rid of it. Tobi is terribly good at this stuff, although I am a bit suspicious of Lili on this one because before Tobi moved in, we never had any troubles with monsters. It is very considerate of her to try to keep the Dragon busy and imagine new monsters avery other day. So, I think Lili has been on the phone to Tobi (this is a picture isn't it? a dragon with a mobile) about 10 times tonight trying to find out when is he coming. It turned out he could come in 5. Problem solved. He is back in the warm now...
1 thing. Is anyone reading this, really? Drop a comment if you do! a feedback or something. You know, so I know if it is me I am writing for or an actual audience. If I am not aware of the audience I have a tendency to go way off (do with it as well) but helps to know.
about to post I realise that Someone did!!! Thanks!
so what now? 50 more to go?
16 March, 2008 Public
a long day for that.
I am tired and it has been -10 in the morning. BAD
Tobi left a coffee cup on the balcony and Jen has blamed it on me. We had an argument after that, with the Dragon so he decided to take off for a couple of day. He is visiting my mum in Hungary. It is warmer there anyway. much warmer.
a short post
I am tired and it has been -10 in the morning. BAD
Tobi left a coffee cup on the balcony and Jen has blamed it on me. We had an argument after that, with the Dragon so he decided to take off for a couple of day. He is visiting my mum in Hungary. It is warmer there anyway. much warmer.
a short post
Firday (only a metter of perspective /there i an infinite nr of persesptions avialable for each and one of us {and an inf times inf for...}/) thanks
Sometimes I truly love my job. If I organise and manage my tasks with skills I can have an hour long walk after my lunch break. Very few people can have this amasing luxury. Especially in our rushing crasy world of today.
Of course, there is a backside of every coin... I walk behind a floor polishing machine indoors...
Tobi came into my work today. We talked a lot but the #"&¤#9 creature did not give me a hand. Had some interesting discussion though, I only wish that he hasn't been sitting on my shoulder for most of the time (not when he was trying to deplete the lemonade tap/he is about a the size of a German Shepard/). Anyway! proEU contra EuroSceptic. I am not Euro Sceptic but I am Sceptic of the EU. Tobi is very much for it. This discussion reminded me to one in Helsinki with an old friend, vow, almost 7 years ago. I was playing Tobi at that time. I am for federalism and European integration but am anti-institution. The EU is a monster for that!!
I used several examples talking today, one was how in Hungary, probably a dozen or so Incinerator will be built. Apparently they are a renewable energy source (?) and they can be built from funds accessed from central EU budgets. The electricity produced will have to be purchased by the state at a subsidized price... great business for some. If all the planned stations are built Hungary will have to import serious amounts of rubbish to keep them going!!! The idea of RRR (reducereuserecylce) just has not really taken up yet. That involved individuals and communities and all this crap that is so anti-institution!
Yet, a dragon can be stiff in the head like an old knee. So eventually I told Tobi to go and bother someone else with his anachronistic hurray madcrazystuff ideas.
And this actually, came in handy later on. I could not believe my luck! Lili couldn't eat her dinner because Molly* wouldn't let her . So Tobi decided to do some of the bothering and bit her, Molly in the bum. At which instant Lili was not bothered by her anymore as Molly borrowed 'maginary Rosy's fairy wings and flew to Scotland (Tobi is not really a superspeed-longdistance-flier). Then Tobi bit Lili in the bum us well so she finished her dinner in no time, no moaning...
..I am sitting on the couch again, Lili fell asleep on my left, Jen fell asleep on my right... I am entertaining
myself with the above written
*(Molly is Lili's imaginary daughter/friend/marriage partner)
14 March, 2008 Public
Of course, there is a backside of every coin... I walk behind a floor polishing machine indoors...
Tobi came into my work today. We talked a lot but the #"&¤#9 creature did not give me a hand. Had some interesting discussion though, I only wish that he hasn't been sitting on my shoulder for most of the time (not when he was trying to deplete the lemonade tap/he is about a the size of a German Shepard/). Anyway! proEU contra EuroSceptic. I am not Euro Sceptic but I am Sceptic of the EU. Tobi is very much for it. This discussion reminded me to one in Helsinki with an old friend, vow, almost 7 years ago. I was playing Tobi at that time. I am for federalism and European integration but am anti-institution. The EU is a monster for that!!
I used several examples talking today, one was how in Hungary, probably a dozen or so Incinerator will be built. Apparently they are a renewable energy source (?) and they can be built from funds accessed from central EU budgets. The electricity produced will have to be purchased by the state at a subsidized price... great business for some. If all the planned stations are built Hungary will have to import serious amounts of rubbish to keep them going!!! The idea of RRR (reducereuserecylce) just has not really taken up yet. That involved individuals and communities and all this crap that is so anti-institution!
Yet, a dragon can be stiff in the head like an old knee. So eventually I told Tobi to go and bother someone else with his anachronistic hurray madcrazystuff ideas.
And this actually, came in handy later on. I could not believe my luck! Lili couldn't eat her dinner because Molly* wouldn't let her . So Tobi decided to do some of the bothering and bit her, Molly in the bum. At which instant Lili was not bothered by her anymore as Molly borrowed 'maginary Rosy's fairy wings and flew to Scotland (Tobi is not really a superspeed-longdistance-flier). Then Tobi bit Lili in the bum us well so she finished her dinner in no time, no moaning...
..I am sitting on the couch again, Lili fell asleep on my left, Jen fell asleep on my right... I am entertaining
myself with the above written
*(Molly is Lili's imaginary daughter/friend/marriage partner)
14 March, 2008 Public
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Thursday (I guess I was a day behind in my head before)
I missed the bus in the morning. I took my turns in Attack! while having breakfast. Bad combination, Spoon in mid air, milk and cereal dripping on the keyboard and consequently; waving to the bus driving off a 100ms from the bus stop... too late
Work was boring, Tobi dropped in for lunch however and brought an imaginary cat he picked up on the way, to share. I didn't want any so he ate it all and then half my sandwich as imaginary food is not very filling. He had a snooze under a table then went back to sit on the roof at Lili's Daycare.
The afternoon was sunny and getting home was good. I was tired. I don't like Thursdays. But we had a fantastic afternoon! Lili did some dishes, we had dinner, Jen went for a meeting, we baked cake. Tobi is desperate to eat it all, I had to send him outside, but I can feel his hunger nevertheless. I read Bambi for Lili, in Finnish. We discussed every page, trying to translate it. She speaks English i speak Hungarian. Madhouse...
No she is in her room sobbing because she is not tired. Well, she was about to pass out sitting up when I finished reading. I sometimes do not understand almost four year olds! I guess that is so 'cause I think way to complicated! Sieze the moment! would be the under 5s motto!
She is asleep now
Original on Facebook: 13 March, 2008 Public
Work was boring, Tobi dropped in for lunch however and brought an imaginary cat he picked up on the way, to share. I didn't want any so he ate it all and then half my sandwich as imaginary food is not very filling. He had a snooze under a table then went back to sit on the roof at Lili's Daycare.
The afternoon was sunny and getting home was good. I was tired. I don't like Thursdays. But we had a fantastic afternoon! Lili did some dishes, we had dinner, Jen went for a meeting, we baked cake. Tobi is desperate to eat it all, I had to send him outside, but I can feel his hunger nevertheless. I read Bambi for Lili, in Finnish. We discussed every page, trying to translate it. She speaks English i speak Hungarian. Madhouse...
No she is in her room sobbing because she is not tired. Well, she was about to pass out sitting up when I finished reading. I sometimes do not understand almost four year olds! I guess that is so 'cause I think way to complicated! Sieze the moment! would be the under 5s motto!
She is asleep now
Original on Facebook: 13 March, 2008 Public
I need to start with last night. Tóbi was out to school. It was good however when he returned 'cause there was a monster in Lili's room threatening to eat up all the little people - who live on the trees. Instead Tobi finished the monster on Lili's insisting. Today was a quiet day for all of us. Jen was in school and told me interesting stories on her return. Lili and I spent the day hangin' out, playing with the remote control Daleks, making puppets, well one, only half finished, and dipping candles. Fun and relaxing. School in the evening. Tóbi spent his day cowling up on the top of the fridge, not bothering with much. Moses got lost somewhere in the bedroom. In the evening Tobi left to chase some cats, for fun. He does not seem to understand that there are no semi-wild cats in Finland. It is too clean here. He insisted that there will be, for him. I guess it is beautiful when an imaginary dragon starts playing with its own imagination... one more thing! Lili drew a family picture. She in the middle, than mom and dad around her. Tobi next to me lying on the ground and Moses, the teddy bear on the other side, looking a bit upset as Lili pointed out to me. But she didn't know why he was in such state. Original post: 12 March, 2008 Public |
I had a wonderful day!
After a week of endless partying (ski break), drinking themselves till it all just came back (seen some nasty things), last night oululainen people finally gave in... got scared of dooming Monday approaching. So at work today I mostly been acting as if doing something. Has an hour lunch break and left an hour early. Gave me time to go shooting for an hour (archery) and drop by the library. Then Lili from daycare, rest end dinner, which she hasn't eaten but you know, around 4 most of us have been rather picky.
Had a Finnish class in the evening and it was fun for a change. Made up a pretty cool dialogue with a classmate, made people laugh.
But the best part cames here: THE SNOW IS MELTING! I remember, sometimes in mid November, or maybe before, last year you know we were pissing ourselves with joy when the first snow came. Comparing winter here to that in Scotland. Instead of endless rain we would have snow, snow and snow and snow snow snowsnowsnowsnowsnowsno... get it?
4 months on, I had seen enough! It was +5 today, still +3. And it is raining!!! I took the bike going to class. It was wonderful. Cycling in rain. I almost forgot how wonderful it can get. Today was like... well, like getting a sunny day after months of gloomy and rainy day.
Original posting 12 March, 2008 Public
After a week of endless partying (ski break), drinking themselves till it all just came back (seen some nasty things), last night oululainen people finally gave in... got scared of dooming Monday approaching. So at work today I mostly been acting as if doing something. Has an hour lunch break and left an hour early. Gave me time to go shooting for an hour (archery) and drop by the library. Then Lili from daycare, rest end dinner, which she hasn't eaten but you know, around 4 most of us have been rather picky.
Had a Finnish class in the evening and it was fun for a change. Made up a pretty cool dialogue with a classmate, made people laugh.
But the best part cames here: THE SNOW IS MELTING! I remember, sometimes in mid November, or maybe before, last year you know we were pissing ourselves with joy when the first snow came. Comparing winter here to that in Scotland. Instead of endless rain we would have snow, snow and snow and snow snow snowsnowsnowsnowsnowsno... get it?
4 months on, I had seen enough! It was +5 today, still +3. And it is raining!!! I took the bike going to class. It was wonderful. Cycling in rain. I almost forgot how wonderful it can get. Today was like... well, like getting a sunny day after months of gloomy and rainy day.
Original posting 12 March, 2008 Public
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