Sunday, 30 March 2008

Monday, at last!!!

It is like Friday night to me. I don't have to go to work for 2 days!!!
And yes, yesterday there was no blog... blasphemy!!!
It had to do with 2 things: 1) work, 2) three pints of Kilkenny.

1) Easter holiday, and I am sure that I mentioned this before, here in northern Finland is a time of eating and drinking. Cleaning a nightclub meets the results of these two on several levels. tiring like nothing you can imagine!

2) On Saturday night after 3 pints of Kilkenny, I had to admit that I cannot handle drink as well anymore as I used to, when back in college. Had a hangover...

Tobi took care of the plant well enough. He was snoring in an uncomfortable looking twisted position having attempted to stare at The plant continuously before falling asleep.

He wants his own blog by the way! And he wants a Facebook account to!!! I think I managed to talk him off it, for now, but I put a childlock on the internet, just in case. And I sleep now using the laptop for pillow. Just in case. I haven't slept very well last night.

Can you imagine; a dragoon on facebook? What kind of netwoork would it join? What groups? Crazy... (with a zed)

Lili had a fantastic sleepover, although The 2 girls seem to be quite good at competing and annoying each other. Yet they love it! I, after all, do not understand 4 year olds. Maybe best this way.

I have not seen Tobi today. He must have took off somewhere, maybe he got tempted by some real cats. Olgierd, is he there?

24 March, 2008 Public

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