Sunday, 30 March 2008

Friday of some sort

This is a special extended weekend in Finland. Festive days honouring a religious tradition from way back. For four days even the wind stops working, the sun is the only thing that is in motion and someone else, but come to that later. Easter is here!
Although I wonder, why bother, why bother giving these holidays to people when wast majority has no connection to it, their actions have no reference. Yesterday Oululaiset people were shopping as if they were getting food in to sit out a small scale nuclear war. I guess they will eat themselves to oblivion over the weekend. Although is they try, could remember that today is meant to be a day of fasting (by the standards of the referred festivity). Another thing, when cycling to work at 6 am this morning, I have seen plenty of visibly wasted young people downtown Oulu. Two hours after they were kicked out of the night clubs and all food outlets shut too and roughly about 36 hours before anything else would open it still hasn't occurred to them that they could just go home. You can imagine what have they done to the place where I have a day job but let us not shed more words to it. Tobi says I waste to much for this ragefull stuff anyway. And I actually agree with him although Thinking of it, I mean rage, I need to mention something. This involves him to because he, for once offered a solution to my mindpuzzling wondering!!!

The story begins, or continues, perhaps ends with a top that Lili got as a present some time ago. It has a picture on it and a sing, 'Fairy Princess'. The colours of the hole thing are a variety of pink. So basically, the logo is:

Pink Fairy Princess

Now hello! I say. Pink? Princess?!

fairies are a creature of the woods. They, if anything, loath pink. Mostly ignore it tough. And the are an Anarchist people. To a degree that they would - probably be the only ones in the world - agree with a former PM of the UK,'There is no such thing as Society'. They are anarchist to a degree that actually they do not live in an organised society, manner, way. They are disorganised therefore are unable to present and take part in any sort of hierarchal organisation such as Feudalism and they are certainly not pink in any sick or decent way.

You may ask how I know all this but remember!, I share my apartment and chunk of my life with a dragon. Dragons know stuff. But I was wondering about this stuff. Why do we, humans associate Fairies with hierarchic feudal structures and consumerist pinks? Doesn't make sense because this would just make them sick! Besides, they would probably be outraged enough to retaliate, trick and annoy every living human ever even close to a forest not to mention enter it.

And Tobi, bless him for that, put some light on the issue for me. Here is the brief version:
Fairies are bored. Of us. They hinted the seeds of the idea of 'Pink F Princess'. Far from their actual selves us possible and in this way, we wont even consider to try to find them, or even believe in them, etc. I think I believe him.

Lili, Jen and Ella just have been making some masks. Lili and Jen were running around playing monsters. At first I had to restrain him, Tobi, he has a belly for monsters, and I had to explain him that they were only playing monsters, not being. Lili asked him to join in which Tobi did. Then she explained Ella that 'Dady has an imaginary Dragon'. Well, you never really have a dragon, it just comes and you try not to let it take over your life.
21 March, 2008 Public

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