Sunday, 30 March 2008

Wednesday... snowstorm day

Some locals jokingly said that winter just begun! I had to restrain myself from...
... This reminds me to a situation where I had to hold myself back today. quite a lot. But Jen was surprised to see I did. Of course she didn't know my secret 'holding back weapon'!

I went into one of her classes today, some stimulus to the mind of a cleaner is a positive effort to keep the professional educator alive inside. The lecturer seemed desperate to spark some discussion. The class seemed oblivious to this. So I... but I did not want to take over, further not start discussing with the teacher and attack some of her points. I had help at hand.
Tobi was there, of course in secret. He borrowed an invisibility cloak from Harry (nowdays the guy runs a business in them with the Weasley brothers). So I knew that should I get carried away, I should be attacked by a dragon, the size of a German Shepard. I know it may not sound scary, but you should try to pick a fight with one, even a play fight, you would be lucky to end up in the Accident and Emergency. (ER)

The class was interesting though.
It was Philosophy and Ethichs in Education. And we were learning about, guess! Approaches to the Teaching of Ethics. There was a lot on Value Transmission, and not so much on inquiry and Natural Moral Development. I bit my tongue at some point but not gonna go into details. you can all find me... But although I sound negative it was fantastic fun! I like being in classroom regardless which side of it. Maybe next time I will not ask Tobi to help me... especially that the renting of the cloak for the day cost me dearly.

I am phasing this blog out, initially it will be placed on Blogger. I am trying to run 4 blogs and Facebook isn't supporting it properly. I will maintain a link.
The new place will be, when completely ready on

and the sub pages are as follow

Half Hour does not appear on Facebook. It is a collection of writing exercises.
10 minutes uninterrupted, nonstop, unthinking writing,
10 minutes typing up
10 minutes editing and publishing.

Keep Reading
26 March, 2008 Public

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